Organic cotton: what it is and 3 benefits

Cotton is one of the primary materials used in fashion. Although there are different types of cotton, in today's post, we're going to talk about organic cotton and its benefits.

What is organic cotton?

Organic cotton is a sustainable alternative to regular cotton. This type of cotton does not use chemicals or pesticides that negatively impact the environment, making it beneficial for the planet. To be considered organic cotton, it must meet several requirements.

Regarding cotton production, the plant must be cultivated naturally, meaning without the use of pesticides or chemicals during the cultivation process. In the case of pests, biological methods, specifically insects, are used to combat them.

Concerning the soil, it is used sustainably, and water retention is more efficient due to increased organic matter in the soil.

Lastly, cotton must be hand-harvested, without the use of machines.

Regarding garment manufacturing, toxic substances are not used in the clothing production process, thus increasing the durability of the garments. Additionally, natural dyes are used to color the garments, which not only preserves the fabric but also enhances its strength.

Differences between conventional cotton and organic cotton

Conventional cotton employs insecticides, accounting for 25% of total insecticide use worldwide and 10% of pesticide use. The use of these products has a detrimental effect on the planet, contaminating the soil, water, and the environment in general. Moreover, the production of this type of cotton also has negative effects on farmers, leading to the deaths of over 28,000 agricultural workers due to the toxic elements in some of the products.

As mentioned in the previous section, the main difference between conventional cotton and organic cotton is that the latter uses processes and products that do not harm the environment or workers.

El algodón orgánico es una opción sostenible

Benefits of Organic Cotton There are several benefits associated with organic cotton. These benefits can be divided into advantages for the environment, benefits for clothing, and benefits for workers.

Benefits for the Environment

Organic cotton, by not using chemicals or toxins, does not harm the environment. Instead, it utilizes natural products like rock dust and humus as fertilizers. Furthermore, by avoiding the use of pesticides and non-genetically modified seeds, it promotes greater respect for natural resources and the ecosystem.

Benefits for Clothing

Clothing comes into direct contact with our skin, so it's crucial that it's made from materials that won't harm our bodies. The use of organic cotton in garment production makes the clothing softer and gentler, as natural products prevent our bodies from absorbing chemicals and toxins that can lead to allergies. Additionally, garments made from organic cotton are more durable and long-lasting due to their natural composition.

Benefits for Workers

The production of organic cotton provides decent working conditions for laborers, offering fair prices that improve their quality of life. Moreover, by avoiding the use of toxic products, it prevents workers from inhaling or coming into contact with harmful substances that can negatively affect their health.

How to Identify Organic Cotton There are labels that guarantee clothing items are made from organic cotton. Some of these labels include:

Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS): This certification states that at least 70% of the fiber used in making the garments is free of chemicals and complies with environmental care requirements. OCCGuarantee: This seal indicates that the clothing meets the quality requirements of the textile industry from the production process onward.

At Oltex Trading, we are deeply committed to environmental conservation, which is why we offer sustainable cotton garments. You can see all our available models in the "shop" section.